TIBOS management dashboard

If you, as a park owner / director or as head of marketing / head of reception, want to be up-to-date on the financial performance of your recreation company on a daily basis, then the TIBOS management dashboard is indispensable. When it comes to figures, you are often dependent on your employees or accountant who provide you with the desired financial information on a weekly or monthly basis. Given the current fast time, a weekly or monthly provision of financial information is usually not enough. And when you get the information, it is often already outdated. In addition, such financial statements raise questions that need to be sorted out afterwards. That also slows down the process. This apart from the fact that the employee who provides the figures is not available due to holidays and the like…... With the TIBOS management dashboard you get a grip on the current figures again and you are not dependent on the delivery thereof. You can now see for yourself how you are doing every day. We have ensured that this can be done in a very simple way, not difficult, but practical. In addition, a sector comparison is included in the TIBOS management dashboard. You can see how you stack up against peers in the industry here. You determine the moment when action is required and not the periodic delivery of the figures. This considerably shortens the process of getting a grip on the financial figures.

What are the benefits of the TIBOS management dashboard:

  • Year to date, compare status to today with status to last year.
  • Immediate and everywhere insight into your current results.
  • Decide for yourself which combination of data you want to see.
  • Select the desired accommodation group yourself with a breakdown by type.
  • Presentation as desired graphically or in numbers.
  • Presentation in figures by turnover or number of bookings.

With the TIBOS management dashboard you have a daily grip on the current data of your recreation park, a steering mechanism… Why not use this dashboard, you don't have to leave it for the costs. You pay a limited one-off fee for the setup and a monthly fee for the TIBOS management dashboard.

If you are interested, please contact us, we will be happy to inform you.