CATbooking online booking via map

Plattegrond Publik.JPG

CATbooking online booking via map

Online booking can now optionally be expanded with a possibility to book with preference via map. In addition to the standard view, in which the objects are displayed in the familiar list view, the guest can also select the "map" button. After the guest has selected the “map” button, it will appear. If the guest wants to return to the list view, he selects the “Show list” button. Through the selection menu at the top, the guest can specify his preferences. Based on these preferences, free objects (green) and occupied objects (red) are displayed. If the guest has selected the object of his preference, the guest can continue his booking. If the back office is created in CATbooking, preference costs can also be charged to the guest. This optional module is another nice extra service for your guests. If you are interested in this module, please feel free to contact us so that we can provide an online demonstration for you.

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